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 • Virgin of the naked feet • Sacred family • The good shepherd • Sibyl  • Madonna and child • Madonna | Virgin • Renaissance Madonna •
 Violin  • Mary  • The challenge of peace  • Mercy  • Angel  • Benjamin • Expulsion from Paradise • 

Download a puzzle with our images and pictures

Instructions to download the image:

Click on the scrambled image at the right
(the one at the left will take you to the original painting)
it will take you to another page.
Place the cursor over the image.
Do a right click, hit save as,
and save the image.

Print the image over a heavy paper or photo paper,
cut it carefully and you will have your puzzle.

You can glue the pieces over a heavy cardboard paper and cut them again, you may spar some transparent acrylic over the pieces.

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Madonna de la Seggiola
Watercolor on paper
Yellow Flowers
metate ancient metate  
Museo Ncaional de Nicaragua
Nicaraguan National Museum
clouds clouds  
Oil on canvas
11" by 14"


Free Copyright 1976-2013 Dr. Gloria M. Norris, Yoyita.  All Images are protected by Copyright. Use of these images is strictly prohibited from any form of reproduction, transmission, performance, display, rental, lending or storage in any retrieval system without the written consent of the copyright holder Click     to contact the artist for prices or information.