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Абраз, Ikona, Икона (християнство), Ikona, Ikon (billede), Ikone, Ícono, Ikono (religio), Icône (religion) 성화상, Ikona, Icona (arte), איקונין, ხატი, Икона, Icoon (schilderkunst), イコン, ikon, Ikon (kristendom), Ikona, Ícone (pintura), Икона, Icon, Ikona, Ikona, Икона, Ikon, Ikoni, Ikon (religion), Ікона

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Icon Christ Pantocrator

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    Atelier Yoyita Art Gallery > Atelier Yoyita English > Religious > Icons > Christ Pantocrator
    Praying Angel  • Christ Pantocrator • Archangel Saint Michael • 
      NudoPregando Angel
    Olio su legno
    Foglia d'oro
    Foglia d'argento
    6 da 8 pollici
    15,2 per 22 centimetri

    Christ Pantocrator icon

    american flag Christ Pantocrator
    Oil over wood
    6 by 8 inches
    15.2 by 22 cm
      Academico arte  nuRezar Angel
    Hoja de oro
    Hoja de plata
    6 de 8 polegadas
    15,2 por 22 centímetros
    christ portrait Arte Clasica desnudo Christ Pantocrator
    Oleo sobre madera
    Hoja de Oro
    Hoja de plata
    6 por 8 pulgadas
    15.2 por 22 cm
    8 インチによって6
    22 cm によって15.2 年
    Nus nudite Ange De Prière
    Huile sur bois
    Feuille d'or
    Feuille argentée
    6 par 8 pouces
    15.2 par 22 centimètres
      russian flag Моля Ангел
    Древесина масла излишек
    Листья золота
    Серебряные листья
    6 8 дюймами
    6 8 дюймами
    6 由8 英寸
    15.2 由22 cm
      Nudes Betender Engell
    Silbernes Blatt
    6 durch 8 Zoll
    15.2 durch 22 Zentimeter


    An icon (from Greek εἰκών, eikon, "image") is an image, picture, or representation; it is a sign or likeness that stands for an object by signifying or representing it, or by analogy, as in semiotics; by extension, icon is also used, particularly in modern popular culture, in the general sense of symbol — i.e. a name, face, picture, edifice or even a person readily recognized as having some well-known significance or embodying certain qualities. one thing, and image or depiction, that represents something else of greater significance through literal or figurative meaning, usually associated with religious, cultural, political, and economic standing.

    In Eastern Christianity and other icon-painting Christian traditions, the icon is generally a flat panel painting depicting a holy being or object such as Jesus, Mary, saints, angels, or the cross. Icons may also be cast in metal, carved in stone, embroidered on cloth, done in mosaic work, printed on paper or metal.

    This is an early type of the Christ Pantocrator. Wearing a tunic (chiton) and a draped outer garment (himation), Christ makes the sign of blessing with the right hand and holds in the left a very thick Gospel-book with a cover adorned with jewels and precious stones. The eyes are not alike in size and shape, the mouth is asymmetrical with a melancholy expression, the rather short beard has an inward curve and the hair falls back over the left shoulder.

    The exceptionally high quality of the original painted icon suggests that it must have been the product of a Constantinopolitan atelier in Justinian's age. This may be further confirmed by the fact that the iconographical type it represents was created at the time when Justinian was emperor, although we cannot be absolutely certain about that. It should be remembered at this point that the Monastery of St. Catherine had been founded by Justinian and that the emperor had presumably sent various gifts to the Monastery, including perhaps this very icon

    At one time the icon was dated to the 13th century. However, its cleaning and conservation in 1962 revealed the original encaustic layer, thus pointing to a much earlier date in the 6th or 7th century. (.85 X .45 meters)

    The original is at the Monastery of St. Catherine in Egypt's Sinai


    Category:Religious objects Category:Art genres Category:Eastern Orthodoxy Category:Eastern Orthodox icons Category:Eastern Catholicism Category:Christian iconography Category:Sacramentals

    Christ Pantocrator icon Copyright 1976-2007 © Dr. Gloria Norris.  Click     to contact the artist for prices or information

    Links to Page
    Christ Pantocrator Абраз, Ikona, Икона (християнство), Ikona, Ikon (billede), Ikone, Ícono, Ikono (religio), Icône (religion) 성화상, Ikona, Icona (arte), איקונין, ხატი, Икона, Icoon (schilderkunst), イコン, ikon, Ikon (kristendom), Ikona, Ícone (pintura), Икона, Icon, Ikona, Ikona, Икона, Ikon, Ikoni, Ikon (religion), Ікона