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Hibiscus, Bombycidendron, Bombycodendron, Brockmania, Pariti, Wilhelminia, Хибискус, Hibiscus, Ibišek, Hibiscus, Hibiskus, Ιβίσκος, Hibiscus, Hibiscus, Hibiscus, गुड़हल, Róžowa popla, Hibiscus, heהיביסקוס, Hibiszkusz, Hibiscus, フヨウ属, Hibiskus, Ketmia, Hibiscus, Гибискус, Hibiscus, Хибискус, Hibiskus, Hibiskussläktet, Gumamela ชบา, Chi Dâm bụt, 木槿属

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    Hibiscus watercolor


    Hibiscus flower, watercolor

    English Hibiscus
    Watercolor on paper
    8 1/4 by 11 1/2 inches
          Hibiscus flower watercolor painting by Yoyita   Italiano Ibisco
    Acquarello su carta
    8 1 / 4 da 11 1 / 2 pollici

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    Español Hibisco, Avispa
    Acuarela sobre papel
    36" by 52"
          Portuguese Hibisco
    Aquarela sobre papel
    8 1 / 4 de 11 1 / 2 polegadas
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    Aquarelle sur papier
    8 1 / 4 par 11 1 / 2 pouces
    8 1 / 4 11 1 / 2インチ
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    DeutschHibiskus, Eibisch
    Aquarell auf Papier
    8 1 / 4 von 11 1 / 2 Zoll
      中国 槿
    8 11 1 / 2 1 / 4英寸
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    Watercolor of an Hibiscus


    Watercolor of Hibiscus


    Hibiscus flower, watercolor painting


    is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae. It is quite large, containing about 200–220 species that are native to warm-temperate, subtropical and tropical regions throughout the world. Member species are often noted for their showy flowers and are commonly known as hibiscus or sorrel or less widely as rosemallow or flor de Jamaica. The genus includes both annual and perennial herbaceous plants, as well as woody shrubs and small trees. The generic name is derived from the Greek word ἱβίσκος (hibískos), which was the name Pedanius Dioscorides (ca. 40-90) gave to Althaea officinalis.

    Hibiscus description

    The leaves are alternate, simple, ovate to lanceolate, often with a toothed or lobed margin. The flowers are large, conspicuous, trumpet-shaped, with five or more petals, ranging from white to pink, red, orange, purple or yellow, and from 4–18 cm broad. Flower color in certain species, such as H. mutabilis and H. tiliaceus, changes with age. The fruit is a dry five-lobed capsule, containing several seeds in each lobe, which are released when the capsule dehisces (splits open) at maturity.

    Many species are grown for their showy flowers or used as landscape shrubs. Many species are used to attract butterflies and bees. Hibiscus is also a primary ingredient in many herbal teas.

    One species of Hibiscus, known as Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus), is extensively used in paper making. Another, roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) is used as a vegetable and to make herbal teas and jams, especially in the Caribbean.

    One species of Hibiscus, known as Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus), is extensively used in paper making.

    In Jamaica and many other islands in the Caribbean, the drink is known as sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa; not to be confused with Rumex acetosa, a species sharing the common name sorrel) and is considered a quite popular at Christmas time. It is served cold and mixed with other herbs, roots, and spices and sweetened with cane sugar. Often it is served mixed with Jamaican rum or wine but is also refreshing without any alcohol. Roselle is typically boiled in an enamel-coated large stock pot as most West Indians believe the metal from aluminum, steel or copper pots will destroy the natural minerals and vitamins. A large quantity of the flower is used to ensure a thick dark red tea is made. The tea is popular as a natural diuretic and contains vitamin C and minerals and is used traditionally as a mild medicine.

    All over the world, the tea drink is consumed hot or cold. It is known as Bissap in West Africa, Karkady in the Middle East, flor de Jamaica in Mexico, Gongura in India and Brazil. Some refer to it as roselle, a common name for the hibiscus flower.

    In Mexico, it is well known for its color, tanginess and mild flavor; once sugar is added, it tastes somewhat like a more intense herbal and berry (cranberry, raspberry, etc.) infused tea. Dieters or people with kidney problems often take it without adding sugar for its beneficial properties and as a natural diuretic.

    Certain species of hibiscus are also beginning to be used more widely as a natural source of food coloring (E163), and replacement of Red #3 / E127.

    Hibiscus species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Chionodes hibiscella, Hypercompe hambletoni, the Nutmeg moth, and the Turnip Moth.

    The Hibiscus is used as an offering to goddess Kali and Lord Ganesha in Hindu worship.

    Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is considered to have a number of medical uses in Chinese herbology.

    The bark of the hibiscus contains strong bast fibres. They can be obtained by letting the stripped bark sit in the sea in order to let the organic material rot away. In Polynesia these fibers (fau, pūrau) are used for making grass skirts. They have also been known to be used to make wigs.

    Hibiscus, especially White Hibiscus and Red hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis), is considered to have medicinal properties in the Indian traditional system of medicine, Ayurveda. Roots make various concoctions believed to cure ailments such as cough. The flowers are boiled in oil along with other spices to make a medicated hair oil to prevent greying and hair loss. The leaves and flowers are ground into a fine paste with a little water and the resulting lathery paste is used as a shampoo plus conditioner.

    A 2008 USDA study shows consuming hibiscus tea lowers blood pressure in a group of pre-hypertensive and mildly hypertensive adults. Three cups of tea daily resulted in an average drop of 7.2 point in their systolic blood pressure, compared to a 1.3 point drop in the volunteers who drank the placebo beverage. Study participants with higher blood pressure readings (129 or above), had a greater response to hibiscus tea, their systolic blood pressure went down by 13.2 points. This data supports the idea that drinking hibiscus tea in an amount readily incorporated into the diet may play a role in controlling blood pressure, although more research is required.

    Hibiscus syriacus is the national flower of South Korea.

    Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is the national flower of Malaysia

      Scientific classification
    1. Kingdom: Plantae
    2. (unranked): Angiosperms
    3. (unranked): Eudicots
    4. (unranked): Rosids
    5. Order: Malvales
    6. Family: Malvaceae
    7. Subfamily: Malvoideae
    8. Tribe: Hibisceae
    9. Genus: Hibiscus

    Genre works, also called genre scenes or genre views, are pictorial representations in any of various media that represent scenes or events from everyday life, such as markets, domestic settings, interiors, parties, inn scenes, and street scenes. Such representations may be realistic, imagined, or romanticized by the artist. Some variations of the term genre works specify the medium or type of visual work, as in genre painting, genre prints, genre photographs, and so on.

    Genre painting Genre painting, also called genre scene or petit genre, depicts aspects of everyday life by portraying ordinary people engaged in common activities. One common definition of a genre scene is that it shows figures to whom no identity can be attached either individually or collectively - thus distinguishing them from history paintings and portraits. A work would often be considered as a genre work even if it could be shown that the artist had used a known person - a member of his family, say - as a model. In this case it would depend on whether the work was likely to have been intended to be perceived as a portrait by the artist - sometimes a rather subjective question. The depictions can be realistic, imagined, or romanticized by the artist. Because of their familiar and frequently sentimental subject matter, genre paintings have often proven popular with the bourgeoisie, or middle class. The petit name contrasts this with the grand genre, history painting. Genre themes appear in nearly all art traditions. Painted decorations in ancient Egyptian tombs often depict banquets, recreation, and agrarian scenes, and even medieval prayer books such as the Book of Hours (see Les Tres Riches Heures du Duc De Berry) are decorated with "peasant" scenes of daily life.

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    Category:Medicinal plants


    Hibiscus Copyright 1976-2013 Dr. Gloria Norris.  Click   expulsion from paradise  to contact the artist for prices or information

    Hibiscus, Bombycidendron, Bombycodendron, Brockmania, Pariti, Wilhelminia, Хибискус, Hibiscus, Ibišek, Hibiscus, Hibiskus, Ιβίσκος, Hibiscus, Hibiscus, Hibiscus, गुड़हल, Róžowa popla, Hibiscus, heהיביסקוס, Hibiszkusz, Hibiscus, フヨウ属, Hibiskus, Ketmia, Hibiscus, Гибискус, Hibiscus, Хибискус, Hibiskus, Hibiskussläktet, Gumamela ชบา, Chi Dâm bụt, 木槿属