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WICHTIG Red Cross "I'm OK"
Funktioniert nun online. Wenn Sie wissen, dass jemand vermisst wird bzw.
gerrettet werden muss
kontaktieren Sie die amerikanischen Kuestenwache (Coast Guard).
Der Telefondienst des Amerikanischen Roten Kreuz begrenzt die Anfrage auf
Rettung auf Menschen, die unter ernsthaften Erkrankungen, z.B. Diabetes oder
Blindheit leiden, gehbehindert, gelaehmt oder an Sauerstoffgeraete angewiesen
sind bzw. neulich einen Herzinfarkt oder Schlaganfall erlitten haben.
Telefonische Auskunfte erteilen oertliche
Kreisverbaende des Roten Kreuzes ausserhalb des Katastrophengebietes.
Die Heilsarmee und Informationsquellen im Internet koennen Sie bei der Suche
nach Ihren Familienangehoerigen unterstuetzen. Viele der Geretteten sind in
Notlager und verschiendenen Krankenhaeusern gebracht worden.
Nothilfe/Such- und Rettungsdienst
Tel.-Nr. fuer extreme Notfaelle:
- Bundesstaatspolizei von Louisiana: (800) 469-4828:
- St. John Notfaelle: (985) 652-6338 | (985) 497-3321
- Kenner Notfaelle: (504) 468-7200
- Kuestenwache: (225) 389-2133
- Kuestenwache (gebuehrenfrei): 800-323-7233
Amerikanische Kuestenwache Such- u. Rettungsdienst
Notruf-Telefonnummer im Bundesstaat Louisiana: Bundesstaatspolizei von
- (225) 922-0325
- (225) 922-0332
- (225) 922-0333
- (225) 922-0334
- (225) 922-0335
- (225) 922-0341
- (225) 925-7398
Weitere Notruf-Telefonnummer (New Orleans)
- Info zum Notlager 1-800-469-4828
- Polizei, Feuerwehr & medizinische Notfaelle -- 911
- Such- und Rettungsdienst -- (225) 925-7708
- Crescent City Connection Polizei --(504) 364-8180
- New Orleans Polizei- Buergertelefon (Non-Emergency) --(504) 821-2222
- Louisiana - Bundesstaatspolizei -- (504) 471-2775
- Buero der Notbereitschaft (Office Of Emergency Preparedness) -- (504)
- Úrad pro pripravenost v nouzových sitaucích --(504) 658-8700
- Giftinformationszentrale (Poison Control Center) -- (800) 256-9822
- Buergerinteressen-Buero (Public Advocacy) --(504) 658-4015
Die Suche nach Familienangehoerigen und Freunden
Liste der
Familienverbindungen beim amerikanischen Roten Kreu (Red Cross Family Links
List) oder 1-877-LOVED-1S (LOVED-ONE-S) (1-877-568-3317) anrufen
- Vermisste Personen in Louisiana unter folgenden Telefonnummer melden:
- 225-925-6626
- 225-925-7708
- 225-925-7709
- 225-925-3511
- 225-925-7412
- Sie erreichen den Roten Kreuz unter 1-866-GET-INFO (438-4636)
- Alternative Telefonnummer fuer den Roten Kreuz:
- 1-800-HELP-NOW
- 225-293-1889
- 225-295-0104
Die Times Picayune Zeitung berichtet, SMS-Dienste können mal funktionieren,
auch wenn Gespraechs- Verbindungen nicht zu stande kommen.
Militaer: Hilfsaktion-Information
- Telefondienst fuer Familien der Mitlitaerangehoerigen "I'm OK" (888)
- · Hotline fuer Veteranen, die Auskuenfte des Amts fuer
Kriesgveteranen (Veterans' Administration)suchen: 1-800-507-4571, rund um
die Uhr.
Bundesstaatspolizei - Louisiana Strassensperren-Hotline:
Online oder
Mississippi Strassenbedingungen-Hotline
Alabama Strassensperren
FEMA Karten der ueberfluteten Gebiete
und gesperrten Strassen
Rotes Kreuz Info-Telefon: Oeffentliche Sicherheit und Strassensperren
Rotes Kreuz - 1(866)-GET-INFO (438-4636)
Louisiana - besondere Beduerfnisse
Triage (Notaufnahme) Telefonnummer:
Alexandria: 800-841-5778 Shreveport: 800-841-5776
Baton Rouge: 800-349-1372 Monroe: 866-280-7287
Houma/Thibodaux: 800-228-9409 Slidell/Hammond: 866-280-7724
Lafayette: 800-901-3210 Lake Charles: 866-280-2711
Rayne Civic Center, Rayne, LA. 337-334-9976, 337-334-3121
Notlager in Houston
Houston Notlager-Information
Houston Astrodome
General Delivery, Houston Astrodome 77230
Mont Belview Sr Center
11607 Eagle Drive
Baytown Community Center
2407 Market St, Baytown, Tx
Memorial Baptist Church
600 W. Sterling, Baytown Texas 77520
St. Peter Claver
6005 N. Wayside Drive,Houston Tx
Moody Methodist Church
2803 53rd Street,Galveston, Texas
Spring Tabernacle
3034 FM 2920, Spring, Tx 77338
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
18220 Upper Bay Rd-Nassau Bay, Houston, Tx
St. Mary's Catholic Church
701 Church Street, Brenham, Tx
Fairmont Park Baptist Church
10401 Belfast, LaPorte, Tx
New Life Central
2104 Underwood, LaPorte, Tx
1st United Methodist Church
4308 W. Dallas, Conroe, Tx
1st Baptist Church
906 Ave A, Katy, Tx
1st Baptist Church
1229 Ave J, Huntsville, Tx
Florida Notlager-Information
Ehrenamtliche Mitarbeit
Viele andere Organisationen suchen ehrenamtliche Mitarbeiter, die sich an der
Katastrophenhilfeaktion beteiligen. Weitere Infos sind auf der NPR Web
Site erhaeltlich.
Der medizinische Notdienst im Bundesstaat Texas braucht Hunderte von
freiwilligen Helfer mit medizinischen Vorkenntnissen.
Diese Web-Seite enthaelt mehr Infos, auch zum Thema der voruebergehenden
Zulassung als besuchender Arzt. Bitte James Bryant unter (512)458-7111 x6643
anrufen oder eine E-Mail an James.Bryant@DSHS.state.tx.us
LSU Medical Center žádá o pomoc dobrovolníku s lekárským vzdeláním ci
školením. Zavolejte 225-219-0821 pokud mužete nám dobrovolne poskytnout Váš cas
a odborné znalosti.
Moeglichkeiten zur ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeit in Texas and Louisiana.
Louisiana und Mississippi Neuster Stand nach Kommune/Bezirk
Bis ganz unten runterscrollen
Live Streaming und Video
Aktuelle Wettervorhersage
Aktuální potreby
Medizinische Helfer: :
HHS Hotline fuer medizinishce Helfer 1-866-528-6334 oder
American Medical Association Hotline fuer medizinische Helfer des
amerikanischen Aerztenverbands: 1-800-272-2707.
Das Amerikanische Rote Kreuz schlägt 2 Varianten vor: 1)
Hilfsorganisationen, die als erste Hilfe anlaufen bzw. Krankenhaeuser
unterstuetzen oder 2) Die Zusammenarbeit durch den
Roten Kreuz, was eine 1- bis 2-taegige Ausbildung vor dem Einsatz
Oertliche Gesundheitsaemter der Bundesstaaten mvielerorts nehmen
medizinische Helfer an. Erkundigen Sie Sich bei den Behoerden in Ihrer Naehe.
- Krankenschwester, Aerzte und Rettungssaitaeter koennen sich unter
225-578-7688 telefonisch anmelden. Eine Kopie Ihrer Zulassung bitte mitbingen.
- Medizinische Helfer fuer Louisiana und Texas: 1-225-389-2100
- Medizinische Helfer fuer Mississippi Diese Telefonnummer sind im
Katastrophengebiet, also ist es moeglich, dass man erst nach mehereren Versuche
Information und Ausweise fuer Erste-Hilfe-Leistende und medizinische Helfer
- Aerzte und Rettungssanitaeter: 601-576-8085 anrufen
- Krankenschwester und anderes medizinisches Fachpersonal, bitte 601-497-8022
(Info-Hotline) oder 601-944-4849 (Nachrichten) anrufen.
- Medizinische Helfer fuer Alabama
Sites Needing Nursing (and other medically trained volunteers)
Lead officer for medical volunteers in Louisiana: Dr. Jean Takenaka,
Office of Public Health Emergency Operations Center at (225) 763-5751 or
More contacts for
Medical Volunteers in Texas and Louisiana.
Or Contact James Bryant at (512) 458.7111 x6643 or
More information
available online including temporary licensing.
Texas Asking for Medically Trained Volunteers
LSU Looking for Trained Medical Volunteers. Call 225-219-0821.
LSU Looking for medical and other supplies.
LSU School of Veterinary Medicine at
225-578-9900 (www.vetmed.lsu.edu) or the LVMA at 1-800-524-2996
(www.lvma.org)">LSU Veterinary School needs money, kennels, and other
Collection points, items needed, and more
Baton Rouge River Center Shelter needs supplies including clothing,
blankets, formula, diapers, sleeping bags and more. Call 225-389-3030
Supplies Needed at the medical triage headquarters at LSU Maravich
Assembly Center in Baton Rouge. Looking for reading glasses, plus sized
clothing, liquid canned baby formula, pedialyte, infant diapers, feminine
products, toothpaste, toothbrushes and other toiletries. Do not bring clothes,
shoes, and toys to the Assembly Center.
Volunteer Opportunities at Craig's List New Orleans.
AA Groups are available to provide support to anyone who needs it.
American Bar Association is recruiting lawyers to help man a phone
bank and assist people with issues related to the disaster. Contact Beth Ragan
312.988.6142 for more information.
LA Wildlife & Fisheries are no longer asking for volunteer boats
because of security concerns in the city. Call 225-765-2706 for more
Red Cross is asking for volunteers. In Louisiana dial 211 or call
1-866-GET-INFO or check with your local Red Cross chapter.
EPA is asking for reports of all spills of hazardous chemicals,
including oil spills and other environmental hazards. Call 800-424-8802 or
Can't Call Out? Volunteers on Craig's List are helping place telephone
calls for others. See craigslist.org
in the "Lost and Found" section for New Orleans and Jackson.
Landmarks Underwater in New Orleans. GPS and satellite phones would
help search and rescue efforts.
Check with Your Local Blood Donation Program. Centers being set up for
blood donation efforts.
Salvation Army is looking for small groups of volunteers who can serve
victims and response personnel in 12-day stints. Call Maj. Alan Phillips at
(904) 545-1371 or Robert Toman at (904) 545-1035.
Translation Language Help
Emergency Medication Refills
Emergency Medications Refills Texas and some other states will allow a
pharmacist to refill prescriptions in an emergency even if the prescribing
physician can't be reached. Schedule II controlled substances are generally
excluded from this provision. See
Texas State Board of Pharmacy.
Louisiana Board of Pharmacy announced Friday that evacuees can go to
any Wal-Mart, CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreen's or Kroger's pharmacy in Louisiana or
around the country to have their prescriptions filled.
Rape Crisis and Domestic Violence Hotlines
Call RAINN - 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) or the Domestic Violence National Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Services and Help
The American Bar Association is setting up hotlines to assist people
with insurance claims, home repair contracts, wills and other documents, and
related issues. See: abanet.org for more
Houston Volunteer Lawyer's Program will have volunteer lawyers
available at shelters and the Astrodome to assist refugees. See: hba.org for more information.
The New York State Bar Association fund will help victims in
Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama pay for such services as filing insurance
claims, getting death certificates completed and applying for federal aid.
Small Business Administration has assistance for business owners
affected by the hurricane. See sba.gov.
FEMA Hotline Number for Unemployment Benefits is 1-800-621-FEMA or
TTY: 1-800-462-7585 or call your local unemployment office.
IRS Disaster Tax Relief information and disaster loss kits. Available online
The IRS has extended deadlines until Oct. 31 to file tax returns and submit tax
payments. The extension includes the Sept. 15 deadline for estimated taxes for
businesses and individuals affected by the Hurricane.
FDIC Web Site for information about banking help or call
1-877-ASK-FDIC (1-877-275-3342).
Reverse Voice Mail
OmVox Telecom and Window Canvas, both of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, have created a
new toll-free communications service, allowing family members displaced by
Hurricane Katrina to communicate with one another via "reverse voice mail."
Storm victims can call 1-877-206-7500, enter a 10-digit telephone number such
as their home, office, or cell number, and leave a 3-minute voicemail
message, letting others know of their whereabouts and safety. Family members
can call 1-877-206-7500, enter the 10-digit telephone number of their loved
one and listen to any messages left by missing family members. If the line
is busy, keep trying.
School Information
Lafayette Parish in Lafayette, Louisiana. The schools are taking in
students that are displaced from Katrina They can contact they Lafayette
Parish School Board at 337-236-6838
Texas Public Schools Open to Children from Hurricane Katrina. Texas
schools will enroll children from the disaster area.
Hotlines for schools in Texas.
Diocese of Baton Rouge is making room in its classes for students from
the Diocese of New Orleans. They also are offering housing to displaced
families. 225-387-0561
Many colleges are accepting students displaced by the disaster zone including
Google Search of Colleges Accepting Students
- University of Texas at Arlington
- University of Houston
- University of Texas at Austin
- Southern Methodist University
- TCU in Fort Worth
- Loyola University Chicago
University of Illinois
Indiana University
University of Wisconsin
SUNY (State University of New York)
South Carolina
Mail Forwarding
1-800-ASK-USPS. Or online at USPS.com.
Federal, State, and Local Agencies
Disaster Recovery Centers
Before visiting a Recovery Center, try calling 1-800-621-FEMA (3362)
or 1 800-462-7585 (TTY) available 24 hours per day. Multilingual operators are
You can also apply for assistance online at
Alabama Disaster Recovery Center
Bayou La Batre Methodist Church Fellowship Hall
12700 Padgett Switch Road
Open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
National Emergency Resource Registry If you or your organization, agency, or corporation have resources that may
be made available to the response agencies please list them here.
High Priority Needs
- Housing
- Transportation
- Emergency Supplies
- Baton Rouge Office of Emergency Preparedness
- Jefferson Parish Office of Emergency Preparedness: (504) 349-5360
- Louisiana State Services Hotline 1-888-524-3578. Open 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Can assist with Disaster Food Stamps, Medicaid, Wic, Mental Health Counselling,
Addictive Disorders, Developmental Disorders, Social Security Benefits, Social
Security Disability Benefits, Child Support, Foster Care, DHH State Supplement
Checks, Louisiana Rehabilitation Services, and Disaster Unemployement Benefits.
FirstGov Katrina Recovery
Federal Web Site with links for finding loved ones, getting help, and other
National Response Center
- 1-800-424-8802
- 1-202-267-2675
State Emergency Management Agencies
Parish/County Emergency Management
Emergency Shelter Information Points:
- Tourist Welcome Center, US 65 & 84, 1401 Carter St. (US 84), Vidalia, LA
- Tourist Welcome Center, TA Truck Stop, Tallulah Exit (Hwy 65 & I 20)
- Paragon Casino, 711 Paragon Place, Marksville LA
- Sammy's Truck Stop, I-49, Exit 53, 3601 LA 115W, Bunkie, LA
- Med Express Office, 7525 US 71, Alexandria, LA
- P.E. Gym, LSU- Shreveport, One University Place, Shreveport, LA
- Pickering High School, 180 Lebleu Rd., Leesville, LA
- Mowad Civic Center, 5th & 10th St., 1 Block off US 165, Oakdale, LA
Louisiana Department of Insurance available for help 1-800-259-5300
Alabama Department of Insurance
(800) 433-3966
(334) 241-4141
Louisiana Department of Insurance
(800) 259-5300
(225) 342-5900
Mississippi Department of Insurance
(800) 562-2957
(601) 359-2453
Texas Department of Insurance
(800) 252-3439
(800) 578-4677
Georgia Department of Insurance
(800) 656-2298
(404) 656-2056
Florida Department of Insurance
(800) 882-3054
(850) 413-3131
(800) 342-2762 - (FL Only)
Tennessee Department of Insurance
(800) 342-4029
(615) 741-2241
Arkansas Department of Insurance
(800) 282-9134
(501) 371-2600
Insurance Company Contact Information
AIG: (800) 242-2418
Allstate: (800) 547-8676
Chubb Group of Insurance Companies: (800) 252-4670
CAN: Personal Insurance Policyholders: (800) 588-7400; Commercial Insurance
Policyholders: (877) 262-2727
The Hartford: (800) 243-5860
Metlife Auto & Home: (800) 854-6011
SAFECO: (888) 723-3265
Selective Insurance: (800) 777-9656 ext. 2801; fax: (973) 948-1103 State Farm:
(800) 732-5246
Travelers Property/Casualty: Personal Insurance Policyholders: (800) 252-4633;
Commercial Insurance Policyholder: 800-238-6225
USAA: (800) 531-8222
Hurricane Katrina Resources English, Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina Resources Spanish, Huracán Katrina
Hurricane Katrina Resources Arabic, توفان کاترینا
Hurricane Katrina Resources French, Hurikán Katrina
Hurricane Katrina Resources Czech, Hurikán Katrina
Hurricane Katrina Resources Portuguese, Furacão Katrina
Hurricane Katrina Resources Romanian, Uraganului Katrina
Hurricane Katrina Resources Russian, Катрина (ураган)
Hurricane Katrina Resources Tagalog
Hurricane Katrina Resources Italian, Uragano Katrina
Hurricane Katrina Resources German, Hurrikan Katrina
Hurricane Katrina Resources Slovak, Hurikán Katrina
Hurricane Katrina Resources Japanese, ハリケーン・カトリーナ
Hurricane Katrina Resources Ukrainian, Ураган "Катріна"
Hurricane Katrina Resources, Vietnamese, Bão Katrina |