Atelier Yoyita

Link to Atelier Yoyita

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To exchange links:

First add a reciprocal link to my website in your page links.
Title: Atelier Yoyita
Description: Classical realism, contemporary art with the techniques of the Old masters. Art gallery, Paintings, sculptures, renaissance, portraits, landscapes, marine art, miniatures.


<a href="">Atelier Yoyita : Classical realism, contemporary art with the techniques of the Old Masters, paintings and sculptures.</a>

Second: Send me an email with the following information or fille up the form above:
1.- The URL of your website.
2.- The tile of your website
3.- Description of your website
4.- Language in wich you would like your link to appear. (Only the language of your site)
5.- Suggest a Category for your link.
6.- If you preffer a banner image instead of a text link, please indicate so.

This is how banner 1 looks:

link to Atelier Yoyita

Click here to download banner 1

When the new page opens with the image,
Place your mouse over the image, right click on it, select save image as and save the image in your computer, Upload the image to your website with the description and link above.

Click here to download banner 2:
When the new page opens with the image,
Place your mouse over the image, right click on it, select save image as and save the image in your computer, Upload the image to your website with the description and link above.

This is how banner 2 looks:

link to Atelier Yoyita

Step 1 - Add our link to your website
The first step is to add our link to your website. You may copy and paste the HTML code below, use the text information in the box below.
HTML code to Copy and Paste:
<table width="274" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
<td><img src="Avatars/yoyita_dot_com.jpg" width="58" height="80" sec=""></td>
<td><p class="style10"><a href="">Atelier Yoyita, classical realism. Contemporary art in the tradition of the Old Masters of the renaissance. Paintings and sculptures.</a></p>
<p class="style10">English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese </p></td>

Example: John Smith

Example: [email protected]
URL of your website 

Tile of your website  
Description of your website  

Example: We provide original abstract paintings
Location of our link in your website
Preferred Language 
Suggest category  
Addtional info  
Download our Avatar:
Right click on it, select save picture as, select where to save it on your computer.
Upload it to your website and add it to our link
Please allow 1 week for processing. This is not an automated system. All links will be manually checked. You will receive an email from us when your link has been added.

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Link to yoyita Copyright 1976-2013 Dr. Gloria Norris.  Click     to contact the artist for prices or information

Atelier Yoyita, classical realism. Contemporary art in the tradition of the Old Masters of the renaissance. Paintings and sculptures.

English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese

Christian Link
Angel renaissance style at Mercy Renaissance style Christian art at

Art gallery, classical realism, contemporary art

Religious Art, renaissance style, Madonna and child, angels, Christ, Jesus, Saints, Bible

Here is the code: Highligt , copy and paste in your website.



<table width="217" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" bgcolor="#ffcc99">
<td colspan="2"><div align="center"><span class="style16">Christian Link </span></div></td>
<td colspan="2"><div align="center"><strong><a href="" class="style14"><strong>Atelier Yoyita </strong></a></strong></div></td>
<td><a href=""><IMG id=_x0000_i1025
title= height=105
alt="Angel renaissance style at"
src="" width=76
<td><a href=""><IMG id=_x0000_i1026
title= height=104
alt="Mercy Renaissance style Christian art at"
src="" width=83
<td colspan="2"><p class="style14"><span class="style14"><a href=""> </a></span></p>
<p class="style14">Art gallery, classical realism, contemporary art</p>
<p class="style14">Religious Art, renaissance style, Madonna and child, angels, Christ, Jesus, Saints, Bible </p></td>

Link to Atelier Yoyita Copyright 1976-2013 Dr. Gloria Norris.  Click     to contact the artist for prices or information